
libtomcrypt is a pleasure to work with: the code is clean, readable, and things are well laid-out. One the few things I disliked was how ECC keys are represented internally:

typedef struct {
    void *x, *y, *z;
} ecc_point;

/** An ECC key */
typedef struct {
    /** Type of key, PK_PRIVATE or PK_PUBLIC */
    int type;


    /** The public key */
    ecc_point pubkey;

    /** The private key */
    void *k;
} ecc_key;

If type is PK_PUBLIC, the private component of the key should probably be NULL. I think this is suboptimal and potentially confusing. It seems to me that the following would be better:

struct ecc_public_key {
    void *x, *y, *z;

struct ecc_private_key {
    struct ecc_public_key public;
    void* k;

Introducing 2 different types for public and private keys allows us to be more specific with our type requirements. For example the function ecc_shared_secret looks like that:

int  ecc_shared_secret(ecc_key *private_key, ecc_key *public_key,
                       unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);

A new API could enforce the key’s type more easily:

int  ecc_shared_secret(const struct ecc_private_key *private_key,
                       const struct ecc_public_key *public_key,
                       unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen);

This way you can get rid of checks at the beginning of some functions, like this one:

/* type valid? */
if (private_key->type != PK_PRIVATE) {

Now the key type is explicit, private keys will only be struct ecc_private_key, public ones struct ecc_public_key. If you want to be able to pass both keys types, you can do something like this:

int ecc_some_function(struct ecc_public_key* public, void* private, ...);

And pass the private component of the key manually.