
I use VMWare Player to run my OpenBSD under Windows with my laptop –a Thinkpad X1 Carbon–, its newer hardware wasn’t fully supported by OpenBSD when I got it. I had issues with VirtualBox, it was slow: 50%+ of the CPU time was spend on interupts, and I couldn’t find a solution on the Internets. After reading Ted unangst’s blog where he describes his setup I decided to switch to VMWare Player.

I use Putty to connect to the VM, and while VMWare worked well, sometime the dynamically assigned IP changed. I had to reopen Putty to change the IP from time to time, and it was getting annoying. It turns out that you can use static IPs. VMWare uses a netmask, and it reserves the 3-127 range for static IPs. I put this in my /etc/hostname.em0:


It didn’t work right away. It turns out that the gateway was at I put the following in /etc/mygate:

And things are now working nicely.