I needed a set datastructure for a Go program, after a quick search on the interweb I saw this reddit thread about sets, queues, etc…
Short answer: for sets use maps, specifically map[<element>]struct{}
. My first
intuition was to use map[<element>]interface{}
, but it turns out that an empty
interface takes 8 bytes: 4 bytes for the type, and 4 bytes for the value which
is always nil, while an empty structure doesn’t use any space.
There weren’t many details on how to do to it. So I just gave it a try, it was pretty easy to figure out the implementation, as long as operations like union, intersection arent’ needed.
That’s how I would implement an integer set:
type set map[int]struct{}
var myset = make(set) // Allocate the map
// Add an element to the set by adding an empty structure for the key 1
myset[1] = struct{}{}
// Check if we have 1 in our set
if _, ok := myset[1]; ok {
println("1 in myset")
} else {
println("1 not in myset")
// Remove the element from the set
delete(myset, 1)