Tutorial ======== Weblog is a file system based Blog publisher. It works like a compiler. A compiler reads source files from the disk and produces an executable; Weblog reads structured text files and produces a Blog. Here is a quick overview of what is possible to do with Weblog. Create a Blog ------------- Before writing your first blog post, you must setup Weblog. Create a new directory which will contains all the files related to your Blog. Let's call it ``my_blog``. Inside ``my_blog`` create a file ``config.py`` containing:: title = 'My Blog' url = 'http://my_blog.example.com/' Change the values of ``title`` and ``url`` to whatever you like. You can already run Weblog from your blog's directory:: $ cd my_blog/ $ weblog publish Alternatively you can specify your blog directory via the option ``-s``, for example if the directory is in ``/path/to/``:: $ weblog -s /path/to/my_blog/ This will create a new directory ``output`` containing an empty blog. Preview it by opening the ``output/index.html`` with a browser. You can also specify the name and the location of the output directory via the ``-o`` option:: $ weblog -s /path/to/my_blog/ -o /tmp/weblog_output First post ---------- Let's publish something now. Create a file named ``first_post.txt`` in your blog directory containing:: title: My first post This is my very first post using Weblog. Re-run Weblog. Now the ``output/index.html`` page contains your new entry. You will see the title `My first post`, and below it the publication date. Post's structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The post file starts with a list of parameters. All the parameters are optional, except ``title``:: title: My first post You can also specify the author by adding an ``author`` parameter:: title: My first post author: Terry Scott You can add the author's Email after the author's name; it will automatically be recognised as an Email address, and the corresponding link will be added:: author: Terry Scott After these parameters, there is a blank line, which separate the parameters from the content. Don't forget it when composing! Formatting post content ----------------------- Let's add more content to the Blog. It is a little bit empty right now. Create a second file ``second_post.txt``:: title: A richer post This second post demonstrate the possibilities offered by Markdown, the markup language used in Weblog. Here is a second paragraph. *Emphased words*, and **Strong words**. - A list element - Another list element You can also quote text: > A silly quotation You can also have monospaced text, useful for code: print "Hello World" Now you have a second entry in your blog. This entry has some fancy formatting because the text above is using the Markdown_ syntax. Markdown_ markup is automatically turned into HTML. This way you can write your blog posts without learning HTML. But you can also use HTML if you want to:: title: HTML is available too

A paragraph

Emphased words, and Strong words.

Adding a picture ---------------- Create a directory named ``images`` in your blog's directory. That's where the images will be stored. Copy a picture you would like to publish into ``images``. Let's call it ``weblog.png``. ``post_image.txt``:: title: Posting an image files: images/weblog.png ![A random image](images/weblog.png) The `files` parameter tells Weblog to copy `images/weblog.png` into the output directory. Note that the path is preserved; the file is copied to `output/images/weblog.png`. You can copy all kinds of files, not just images. What next? ---------- To learn more about Weblog and how to use it check :ref:`reference_manual` and how to customize its appearance check :ref:`style`. .. _Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#overview .. vim:se tw=79 sw=2 ts=2 et: