Dynamically create a type with Python
Python is a dynamic language, it means you can create new types at runtime. I had a case where I needed to create a new class depending of what a remote server could do.
The use case was:
Ask the server what class / methods are available, for example:
('/cat/meow', '/cat/eat', '/cat/sleep', '/dog/bark', '/dog/eat', '/dog/sleep')
Create dynamically the class with the associated methods to call the corresponding remote methods.
This means I couldn’t use the well known syntax:
class A(object):
class B(A):
I could have by-passed the problem by using
exec('class %s(object): pass' % 'Cat')
But that’s not the right way to do it. Code generation is prone to breakage and
easy to get wrong. Using
is a better
option, it is simpler to use and faster to execute: no need to parse a string.
new_class = type('Cat', (object,), {'meow': remote_call('meow'),
'eat': remote_call('eat'),
'sleep': remote_call('sleep')})
is a regular class:
>>> type(object)
<type 'type'>
>>> type(new_class)
<type 'type'>
>>> new_class.__name__
>>> new_class.__bases__
(<type 'object'>,)
It’s useful when you have to build a class from something external like a database schema, or a web-service.