Weblog is a file system based Blog publisher. It works like a compiler. A compiler reads source files from the disk and produces an executable; Weblog reads structured text files and produces a Blog.
Here is a quick overview of what is possible to do with Weblog.
Before writing your first blog post, you must setup Weblog.
Create a new directory which will contains all the files related to your Blog. Let’s call it my_blog. Inside my_blog create a file config.py containing:
title = 'My Blog'
url = 'http://my_blog.example.com/'
Change the values of title and url to whatever you like.
You can already run Weblog from your blog’s directory:
$ cd my_blog/
$ weblog publish
Alternatively you can specify your blog directory via the option -s, for example if the directory is in /path/to/:
$ weblog -s /path/to/my_blog/
This will create a new directory output containing an empty blog. Preview it by opening the output/index.html with a browser.
You can also specify the name and the location of the output directory via the -o option:
$ weblog -s /path/to/my_blog/ -o /tmp/weblog_output
Let’s publish something now. Create a file named first_post.txt in your blog directory containing:
title: My first post
This is my very first post using Weblog.
Re-run Weblog. Now the output/index.html page contains your new entry. You will see the title My first post, and below it the publication date.
The post file starts with a list of parameters. All the parameters are optional, except title:
title: My first post
You can also specify the author by adding an author parameter:
title: My first post
author: Terry Scott
You can add the author’s Email after the author’s name; it will automatically be recognised as an Email address, and the corresponding link will be added:
author: Terry Scott <terry@scott.org>
After these parameters, there is a blank line, which separate the parameters from the content. Don’t forget it when composing!
Let’s add more content to the Blog. It is a little bit empty right now. Create a second file second_post.txt:
title: A richer post
This second post demonstrate the possibilities offered by Markdown, the
markup language used in Weblog.
Here is a second paragraph. *Emphased words*, and **Strong words**.
- A list element
- Another list element
You can also quote text:
> A silly quotation
You can also have monospaced text, useful for code:
print "Hello World"
Now you have a second entry in your blog. This entry has some fancy formatting because the text above is using the Markdown syntax. Markdown markup is automatically turned into HTML. This way you can write your blog posts without learning HTML.
But you can also use HTML if you want to:
title: HTML is available too
<p>A paragraph</p>
<li>A list item</li>
<li>Antoher list item</li>
<p><em>Emphased words</em>, and <strong>Strong words</strong>.</p>
Create a directory named images in your blog’s directory. That’s where the images will be stored. Copy a picture you would like to publish into images. Let’s call it weblog.png.
title: Posting an image
files: images/weblog.png

The files parameter tells Weblog to copy images/weblog.png into the output directory. Note that the path is preserved; the file is copied to output/images/weblog.png. You can copy all kinds of files, not just images.
To learn more about Weblog and how to use it check Weblog’s reference manual and how to customize its appearance check Customizing Weblog’s appearance.